Welcome to the HemeVision Web site!
The goal of this company is to develop medical diagnostic tools and techniques which will improve the health of people in resource-poor areas of the world, especially in the area of hematology (analysis of blood cells). The goal of this Web site is to give you an idea of why we are trying to do this, and how we are trying to do it. Our hope is that this will be of some interest to you, and that there may even be a few people visiting this site who will be able to help in the advance toward that goal.
To understand why this effort got started, see "What's the Problem?", which describes the need for better medical diagnostic tools in much of the world, and why the ones presently available are not filling that need.
For a summary of the new approach that this company is taking to meet this need, see "What's the Idea?"
For a description of what needs to be done in the future, both short- and long-term, see "What's Next?"
And if you're interested in who's behind this project, if you have any unanswered questions about it, or (especially) if you'd like to offer suggestions or help in meeting its ultimate goals, see "Contact".